Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Homesick Aldo 2014 by Homesick Aldo

Homesick Aldo 2014 cover art

Artist: Homesick Aldo
Title: Homesick Aldo 2014
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: MP3
Release Year: 2014

Well at least this isn’t indie rock and it isn’t the folk for that matter. It is, however, Homesick Aldo playing his blues and this three song EP neatly sums up his rather idiosyncratic approach whilst demonstrating the limitations of doing musical things on your own.

These three songs are soaked in the lo-fi footbath of a downbeat, if not actually downtrodden, performer with a performing authenticity that is often as much a hindrance as a motivator. His harmonica echoes as the freight train sensibilities of “We Feel Alright” propel him straight to the start of blues line and, likewise, “Never Hopped a Freight Train to Vicksburg” stops at every station on the way to the past. He knows where he want to go but he clearly isn’t travelling first class.

Whist there is much to commend in his honest and minimalist approach, it is also true that Homesick Aldo struggles to make his songs as memorable as his influences and the rough and ready nature of the recording does little to help his case.

The EP is available from Bandcamp.
Review Date: May 12 2014